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Goodbye 2016...
written on Friday, December 30, 2016 @ 1:57:00 PM ✈

Many things had happened... Some happened for a reason... Some are not...

I'm glad to meet many new people this year. Some of whom left an impact on me.
I'm glad I get to approach and talked to some people, for I saw their true colors, the one who brought me laughter followed by misery, and made me realize about something.
I'm glad that my folks made me defer my studies, as I realize how poor we are.
I'm glad I attended an event, it opens up my mind for a future that I could work for.
I'm glad that I chose to talk to an old friend, for I wouldn't be where I am supposed to be right now.

But strangely, I'm still not happy...

She's gone.
I still find it hard to accept. It's been 7 months. I missed your presence, your nagging, your voice & laughter. I'm sorry for everything, You said you hate me, but I know you didn't mean it. You said you worry about me, I appreciate and I know you will continue to worry about me. Sometimes, those memories haunt me. From that day... till the very last day. I remembered every single details. I wondered, if this is normal? I blamed all upon myself. It was way too fast, for me to accept. Never did I know... and, I love you.

You're gone.
I was intrigued, I made that decision twice whereas you had a choice. It was good. The next day you made your point. I get it. But it was all good still. From being formal to becoming more of ourselves, our conversations went well; joke, trolls, sarcasm etc. It was good. But, it was like studying quantum physics. Trying to study and understand but still, you can't understand. I tried to understand some people, but this is real tough. Maybe some people had a really tough past that they don't even want to open themselves up. Oh right, you did! I could see some efforts and bits of you. But at the end of the day, what do you really want? You said we're friends, twice indeed. But why does it seems like it's not this way? If we're friends, you will treat me like one. I tried. I told you before, to give yourself a chance. Did you? "I have to stoop to your level just to communicate with you, if not it'll be a disaster." < I hope you take back your words someday.
I don't know anymore.


I hate finance ever since young. I hate anything that is related to math. But do I have a choice? Apparently I passed all my papers in one go. Well... that's something.
When I came in, I was sceptical. Up till now, actually... I haven't earn anything yet so I can't tell my parents yet.
It's kinda pathetic that you can't even tell your folks about the job that you're doing... your future plans...
I am determined to prove everyone wrong, people who looked down on me & to raise my head high up and my middle fingers higher.
I am determined to do well in this industry, hopefully my future plans, it will still go as per normal.
I am determined to get the things I want in life.
I am determined not to be poor anymore, for I want to give my folks a better life.

Words are easy to say but actions speak louder than words. I'm dying hard to prove everyone including myself wrong. It's not gonna be easy, I KNOW, but it's achievable, it's doable.. It's the mentality that I have to set.

Unfortunately, my mood changes very quickly. I could be happy and be sad the next moment. Bipolar(?) I get distracted way too easily. My mind will get carried away quickly. That is why when i'm happy... I think about something else that made me sad. It's weird, I know... I couldn't explain it for myself. I haven't been talking much to my friends either. I'm just... not happy. Life is tough for me. lol I became someone whom I don't even know who I am anymore... just sucks


I believe, 2017 is going to be a good year. A year whereby there will be many changes to my life and to the people around me. To the people who think and said "I can never make it", we shall see. I am curious about my future too. Let the fun begins...

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Graduation Trip to Taiwan
written on Saturday, June 4, 2016 @ 6:01:00 PM ✈

It's rather late to post this, after all, this graduation trip took place from 27 March - 5 April. Take your time to read it, no obligations.
We all managed to gain some weight but unfortunately, my metabolism is high so I lose what I gained when I'm back in Singapore.

Day 1
Our flight was on a Sunday morning, 7:15am. It was ~4h30mins. As usual, I got sick whenever I took a plane. I never had a good experience with airplanes. But I'm always in love with the fluffy clouds.

We touched down at noon. The temperature in Taoyuan was about 11 degree Celsius and what I wore was this:

I wanted to have a feel of the chilly weather but there's always a jacket standby. Just before we flew I had a deep cut on my hand which explained why I got that bandage on. I had an ugly scar :( 

we were waiting for someone to pick us up to Holiday Inn Express, Taoyuan. It was a 3-star hotel. We reached there at about 1pm but we can only checked in at 3pm. The receptionist gave us a map but it was totally useless so we rely on our senses to walk around. It was pretty windy so the temperature dropped. (but to be honest, we rather have that cooling weather throughout our trip)

We didn't had any breakfast so we're finding somewhere to eat. After 15-20 minutes of walking, we finally found a mall - Carrefour Ching Kuo store. The mall was pretty big, lots of eateries as well! We had Mac for brunch and the only special one that was different in Singapore was the Pork burger! Their medium-sized drink was Singapore's large-sized! but the best part... was the fries!!!! (I swear to god)

This restaurant was recommended by my cousin but we didn't get to eat it for dinner so we thought we'll never get to eat again because we couldn't find the next closest outlet in Taiwan.

Our last stop in the mall was Carrefour. There, we found something delicious to fill our tummy for tea break. I had no idea why we were staring at those barbecued food for quite some time, thinking should we buy or should we not. But of course, it was never a regret to buy it.

It was about time we went back to hotel. There were 2 rooms for us and we went over to one of the room to have our tea break. We were pretty tired so after eating, all of us just slept together. As the night falls, it was definitely colder but we had to eat so we all changed into a more comfortable outfit and head out to the night market - Taoyuan Tourist Night Market. It's not too bad! we shopped for a few things and bought food for supper. But the most tragic part about it? Walking. It was roughly 30 minutes walk. We died. haha guess we slept about 2am that night.

 This sizzling beef hot plate with spaghetti was the bomb! I ate half because my tummy was cranky enough, it doesn't allow me to store more beef into it.

Day 2
The hotel breakfast was great! But we were slightly late. We had to pack our stuff as we were basically changing hotels every single day. We had a private tour - just the 4 of us, so someone had to pick us up at 9am. We rushed through our breakfast.

After breakfast, we were headed to Hualien. The ride was roughly 3 hours. We slept throughout the entire car ride. However, there was a massive jam towards our destination hence we get out of the car and enjoy the breeze.

The driver brought us to a restaurant for lunch, it was pretty awesome! the food were good especially the glutinous rice.

Next up! We head to Taroko National Park. We were there for about 15 minutes, didn't explore much because we were tired.

Our eyes squinted because of the sun. (where tf is my eyes?)

But this was funny! They were trying to imitate ... ":))))" because that was the signature pose.

We then went to Taroko Memorial Arch Building to see....... idk?? river?? We just stopped by to take a few pictures and left.There's nothing much to be honest hahaha

No idea what was I doing but I kinda like how I drew my eyeliner.

I kinda like those shots taken by GoPro like as if I was advertising for some shampoo adv. hahaha

After that boring stop-by, we went to the beach. It was not part of the itinerary but the driver suggested we could go to the beach as it was too early to check in to the hotel. I must say the beach was the nicest part of the plan!

 After visiting the beach, we headed back to the hotel - Li Shiuan (麗軒國際飯店). We rest for an hour before heading to Hualien Night Market!

 Heard this restaurant was one of the best! But unfortunately we lost our way towards there from the hotel so we didn't manage to reach there on time. :(

The starbucks was slightly cheaper in Taiwan! The menu was different too! Couldn't remember what drinks we bought though..

We found a cute lil doge!

We bought pizza in the end for dinner! Simply because the shops were closed and we got there late.. sorry guys!

The dumplings were goooooooood & juicy! (Did you saw that deep cut on my hand? It's pretty ugly :( )

Day 3
Every day, waking up is a struggle for ALL of us. We hung up all the morning calls and continued to sleep until one of us realized we had to rush for our breakfast. Yet again..

We head to the next destination. It was about 3 hours ride so we slept again. By then it was time for lunch! They brought us to a steamboat place full of tourists. Honestly speaking, the food wasn't that great. They had free flow of udon noodles so I took quite a fair bit (didn't had much for breakfast so I ate a lot for lunch).

After lunch, we head off to Sanxiantai. It has a 'beach' & several islands located along the coast of Taitung county. During the car ride, I felt nauseous, a lil uneasy. I tried to rest but somehow knew i suffered from indigestion. (meh, i forced myself to eat a lot when I shouldn't..) I vomited out in the end hahaha

Next, we went to 'Water Running Up' in Taitung county. I wasn't feeling that well still. The driver gave me a pill for my indigestion and I rested in the car while waiting for the 3 of them to walk around. It was nothing much, but well... the water was INDEED flowing upwards. It doesn't explain why the water is defying gravity though.

We were heading to Kenting Street night market to buy some dinner back to the resort but the ride was nearly 3 hours from the last location. We stopped by for a toilet break & there was a family mart. I love how they had family marts every few kilometers & those were like 7-11 in Singapore. The size of the mart and what they sold definitely couldn't compare the ones in Singapore. They had nearly everything! Superb!!

Once we reached the night market, we explored the whole stretch of about 2km. We bought mostly food! There were no shopping, nothing nice though. As we walked, this stray dog love to stick around tourists and it will sit down obediently, waiting for you to feed! This dog apparently followed my friend for quite a distance until it found a new target hahahaa

This juicy beeeeeef was awesome! 10/10!! They cut into small pieces and they seared the beef using blow torch! But my friend and I had trouble eating whereby the meat would get stuck into our teeth ha

We actually bought Mac in the end for supper! We head back to the resort! It was quite dark & there were no lamp post. This actually looked like Silent Hill (the game) haha

Once we arrived at the resort - YOHO beach resort & club @ Kenting, we were astounded by the size of the room! We had 2 rooms and felt i was kinda wasted. 1 room is SUPER big enough for 4 of us to sleep together. They had 2 queen-sized beds & bathtub etc... so the other room was our feasting room! We played wrestling hahaha seriously guys, batista bomb on me??? 
Actually it's kinda wasted to stay in the resort because by the time we reached back, it was 8pm. We did not have the time to make use of the resort facilities. 

Day 4
We head to Longpan park @ Kenting. The wind was pretty strong but the weather was getting warmer each day. HOW SAD! 

Moving on, we had our lunch at some... restaurant. It was great!

After we had our lunch, we traveled to Kaohsiung. We stopped by to buy pineapple tarts & sun biscuits. They brought us to a tour on how they made those pineapple tarts. The fresh ones were really good! Soft and chewy! I'm lovin it

We head to Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center that is located in Kaohsiung. It was really boring for us but we managed to buy tea plus inside that place!! Apparently, their bubble tea doesn't have medium size. All were large & chose the shittiest drink ever. Their sugar level was way too extreme. We just took a few pictures and head back to the car.

We rested in our hotel - Lee's Boutique in Kaohsiung. The location was a shopping paradise!!!! Basically we bought a lot of stuff. 

I swear to god this food was heaven ^

Day 5
A boring breakfast. oh well...

We traveled to Tainan. We had to sit on a raft to tour around the mangrove - Shicao Mangrove Green River. The tour guide on a raft explained to us about the history / what it contains etc. Out of everyone, we were the least interested young people down there although there were beautiful birds.

We had lunch at some weird place. I don't enjoy the food at all to be honest.

They called it... coffin bread

We head to SIO house in Tainan, another boring location in the itinerary. Then, we went to Hinoki village in Chiayi. The best part was? OREO ICE CREAM!!!

We went back to ... another resort (Jiangnan resort in Tainan)!!! Swear to god this was one of the best stay ever!!! Again, we had 2 rooms, 1 was rotting away and another for all of us to sleep in. They arranged someone to bring us on a tour around the resort. We took a buggy ride to boat quay.

They gave us food to feed the ducks while waiting for the boat to be ready. All the ducks swam towards our area hahaha

We had our dinner in the resort & it's one of the best, I must say.. ESPECIALLY THE STEAK

After dinner, we go out and play fireworks!

We had a complimentary drinks but my friend bought us hard liquor too. Bacardi, Gin & Tequila. I don't know why the bartender was surprised we're just going to drink it pure without mixing other stuff.

& there again, our supper. Their cup noodles are honestly.........................

Day 6
We rushed through our breakfast again.. It was a beautiful place with friendly locals down there (I would love to come back again)

We visited some shop that sells Lingzhi. Definitely couldn't afford to buy & What's the point?????

My lovely bodyguards hahaha

We had our lunch in some hall that holds wedding??? (weird) BUT WAS FANTASTIC (ok except for the veg)

Our next destination is Sun Moon Lake in Nantou. I went to Taiwan once but couldn't remember what was it like so I was kinda excited but it turns out to be just a temple hahahaha (well... they said whatever you pray for will mostly come true!)

We went to Rainbow village in Taichung but again, there was nothing much to see. It was super humid. There was an old lady selling ice cream in her pushcart, but......... not that great.

Afterwards, back to the hotel again & night market - Yi-Zhong street. We bought a lot of stuff like make-up, masks, clothing etc. hee

Day 7-10
We went to Hakka Cultural center in Miaoli. Nowadays young people like us aren't interested in the history of it... but only shopping and eating. Unless we're talking about other countries, then we would probably go for sight-seeing.

& the flowers were really beautiful!

We went to DTF for lunch. Apart from these, there was this fried rice that taste... horrible. The smell of the salted fish was so strong, we did not finished.

After lunch, the driver drove to Taipei Martyrs' Shrine for some performances. They were showing the public how the guards take over one another's duty etc. Then we head to Songshan Cultural and Creative Park before going back to the hotel.

Our hotel was far from Ximending - Taipei Riverview. But the view was great when we had breakfast. I used to have this thought that everything from Ximending was expensive but oh well... NOT AT ALL. We went on a crazy spree LOL

The mini melts ice cream in XMD was cheap compared to Singapore. The left one was cheese but the right one... couldn't remember what flavor was that. (":

& I bought the most hot heels ,

Well.. the first person to come to Taiwan to have her hair dyed was probably me. I guess? hahaha, because of work, I couldn't keep my bleached hair so I had to tone it down. Their service was fantastic! But shit goes wrong when I had forgotten what shop is it. The price was reasonable as I compared to a few shops. They did mani & pedi as well!! My heart was broken when my hair color was nearly black.. but then again, it will fade. OH WELL

The butter cookie I SWEAR TO GOD was DA BOMB! Each one of us bought a few packs home.

Down here, the mango juice was heaven! Literally feels like i'm in heaven when I drank that. Beside it, there was this phone casing booth. We chose our own picture so they printed and stick it! It requires labor, tough job though... It was a lil bit costly nonetheless it was worth it because Singapore doesn't do such services yet.


We went to Ju that was recommended by my cousin. PEEPS, YOU HAD TO TRY THIS WHEN YOU'RE IN XMD. The price was reasonable with free flow of meats, drinks & Häagen-Dazs!! It was around ~40SGD for dinner and they opened till 2am!


The view from the hotel during breakfast.

& we had duck meat etc for lunch... but not that filling for us. We head to Taipei 101 by train..hehe

We wanted to go to a cafe called We & Me but we were late so they closed :(( So we had to change our plans and go to Raohe Night Market. It was crowded and there were plentiful of foods to choose from. We walked a round and decided to head back to XMD again. (We could hardly find a rubbish bin in Taiwan. like wtf??)


In the end, we had ramen for dinner & starbucks afterwards (as usual, I always ordered Java chip)

Not to mention... the cig in Taiwan is CHEAP


We decided to give breakfast a skip and just sleep through our morning. It was our last day and we had to pack our stuff. We had sushi for brunch but the quality of the food NOT THAT GREAT EITHER.

*snapchat filter is gooood*

This time round I tried Mango passionfruit I guess? They don't have this in Singapore :(

We had to say goodbye...


LAST BUT NOT LEAST, the A&F gangs.

<thanks for reading this lengthy 10 days trip in Taiwan :) >

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